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Lady Death is in the Top 5 Toughest Female Super Heroes

She might not be a household name like Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Black Widow or Jessica Jones but Lady Death has a dedicated following. During the late 1990's to the early 2000's there was an influx of popularity of female superheroes more so with the independent comic labels. Comic labels such as Harris Comics with Vampirella, Top Cow had WitchBlade and of course Choas comics had Lady Death; these heroines were made the face of their respective company. This growing popularity of female superheroes was called the "Bad Girl Movement". If you ever get the opportunity read LadyDeath. I highly recommend reading Lady Death be it the original chaos series or even the Avatar medieval era. The Avatar books are not bad either but the Chaos Comics are the standard for Lady Death reading and collecting. Her Chaos books can get a little pricey. Lady Death is very collectible the stories and the art work are premium so it is worth it. Lady Death was created by Brian Pulido and some of her best and most iconic art work was done by Steven Hughes. These books are for a mature readership they are very violent and they have a very high sexual undertone to them. In fact Chaos comics promotes Lady Death as being the female Super hero that has the largest cup size. There was a self titled animated movie featuring Lady Death and it was really good you could pick that up or stream it. It will give you a good idea of who Lady Death is as a character. How does Lady Death match up with other female super heroes?

I am going to start off by talking about the female super heroes I am sure Lady Death can defeat in a one on one battle. Along the same light as Lady Death; having most of the same readership as Lady Death is Vampirella. I actually like vampirella about the same as Lady Death. I own just as many Vampirella books as I do Lady Death books. The two heroines have cross over many times and i have read every time there was a guest appearance by either of them on their respective books. They almost always have a battles between one another. The fights are good and Vampirella holds her own but Lady Death always win the battle often killing Vampirella.

There has been a Vampirella and Elektra crossover book but to my knowledge Elektra has never crossed over with Lady Death. I'm not sure there is a lot Elektra can do with Lady Death. Her martial arts would not weaken Lady Death; nor would Elektra's weaponry. Outside of some spooky magical weaponry given to her by the HAND I can not see Elektra lasting too long.Although Elektra being immortal would make for a great storyline crossover. So in that regard it would not be a complete loss for Elektra because Lady Death would kill her but she would come back to life. Death Lady would demolish Catwoman or Batgirl. They are not really in the same league as a Lady Grim Reaper demi-goddess. Their high intelligence and stealth would keep them alive for some time because they are smart enough not to engage Lady Death directly. But it would only be a matter of time before Lady Death catches up to either of them.

If Lady Death enter the world of the Avengers you would be hard press to find a heroine to vanquish her. Daisy Johnson (aka Quake) of Marvel's Agents of Shield would find it impossible to defeat Lady Death in a mortal contest. I think perhaps she could knock Lady Death back a few times with her wave pulse powers. Daisy would need the help of SHIELD and Ghost Rider to bring down Lady Death. Black Widow a SHIELD agent as well as an Avenger would do little to Lady Death. The battle would be similar to fights with Catwoman and Batgirl. Black Widow is not as stealth minded as those Dark Knight femme fatalés. I think Black Widow would be more direct and that would prove fatal. What about Carol Danvers, Ms. Marvel? Now we are talking, this would be a drawn out battle. Ms. Marvel has super strength, flight and near invulnerability. She received her powers from Kree biotechnology. It could really go either way in victory for both characters. I see Lady Death with a fraction of an edge over Ms. Marvel because of Lady Death lack of sympathy and more visceral approach. I think Ms Marvel being your typical super hero would hold back and try to appeal to Hope inside Lady Death and that is where Lady Death would get Carol Danvers. Mary Marvel (Ms. Shazam) would be a identical fight. She would hold her own because she gets her powers from magic and she is very powerful. She has similar powers to Ms. Marvel/Captain Marvel. But she is a little too goodie two shoes and lacks experience. What about someone who is experienced in fight demigods on a regular basis? How would Xena the Warrior Princess fare against Lady Death. I do not think these two characters have ever crossed paths in the comics. In my opinion Xena could surprisingly hold her own against Lady or any high powered superhero. This would make for a very interesting story arch. The back drop time periods are about the same. There is a lot of mythology in both stories. Lady Death alter ego is named Hope a attractive Swedish blonde in her late twenties. Xena scribe Gabrielle an attractive blonde in her late twenties has a magical evil doppelganger named Hope. These two version of Hope look similar to one another and that would make a great crossing over point for a story line to begin. Ultimately I do not think Xena has enough offense to hang with Lady Death. When we think of Lady Death we are talking about someone who went to Hell itself defeated Lucifer AKA Satan, AKA The Devil; kicked his ass, kicked him out of his realm and governed it as the queen for awhile. Not only can she defeat most female super heroes but she would make short of most male super heroes.

So who would defeat Lady Death in a one on one battle? First up is the Maiden of Might herself, Kara Zor-el, Supergirl. Supergirl has very similar powers to Ms. Marvel and Ms. Shazam characters that I stated Lady Death would defeat in close contests. A battle between Supergirl and Lady Death would be a very close, world moving war as well. Supergirl can be harm effectively by Lady Death's Magic. I even believe Supergirl can be cut by Lady Death's sword. With all this said i do think when its all said done Supergirl would be victorious over Lady Death. Superman and Supergirl have a No Kill Policy; at least they do on paper. Superman has kill countless villains; in fact he kills Zod every time he spots him. I think Supergirl can muster the visceral rage enough to defeat Lady Death and would not hold back. Supergirl is more in touch with her Kryptonian side and is a lot more amoral than Superman. The DCTV CW version of Kara Danvers aka Supergirl not so much but in the comics she is more alien the Kal-el. The Supergirl of Superman/Batman by Michael Turner would fare better in battle with Lady Death than the DCTV, CW Arrowverse, Melissa Benoist Supergirl. Both versions of Supergirl would win this fight. I think Supergirl ultimately could raise to the occasion with heroics and bravery that would give her the edge. Probably the most interesting fight for Lady Death would be with Wonder Woman. Actually Lady Death seems to be made to be a wonder woman adversary. She would fit in nicely in the Diana's heavily mythological themed world and vice versa i would have loved to see Wonder Woman in the chaos Universe battling Lady Death. Wonder Woman does not even pretend to have a No Kill Policy, just ask Max Lord or Ares. Wonder Woman can summon the power of the Gods and take the fight to Lady Death at a higher level than Supergirl. Wonder woman could bring the same heroic and bravery to the fight as Supergirl. Diana uses swords just as lady death and can easily have the sword endowed with magic to combat lady death's blood thirsty magic sword. The Princess of Themyscira would have a easier time vanquishing Lady Death than Supergirl.

So who would defeat Lady Death in a one on one battle? First up is the Maiden of Might herself, Kara Zor-el, Supergirl. Supergirl has very similar powers to Ms. Marvel and Ms. Shazam characters that I stated Lady Death would defeat in close contests. A battle between Supergirl and Lady Death would be a very close, world moving war as well. Supergirl can be harm effectively by Lady Death's Magic. I even believe Supergirl can be cut by Lady Death's sword. With all this said i do think when its all said done Supergirl would be victorious over Lady Death. Superman and Supergirl have a No Kill Policy; at least they do on paper. Superman has kill countless villains; in fact he kills Zod every time he spots him. I think Supergirl can muster the visceral rage enough to defeat Lady Death and would not hold back. Supergirl is more in touch with her Kryptonian side and is a lot more amoral than Superman. The DCTV CW version of Kara Danvers aka Supergirl not so much but in the comics she is more alien the Kal-el. The Supergirl of Superman/Batman by Michael Turner would fare better in battle with Lady Death than the DCTV, CW Arrowverse, Melissa Benoist Supergirl. Both versions of Supergirl would win this fight. I think Supergirl ultimately could raise to the occasion with heroics and bravery that would give her the edge. Probably the most interesting fight for Lady Death would be with Wonder Woman. Actually Lady Death seems to be made to be a wonder woman adversary. She would fit in nicely in the Diana's heavily mythological themed world and vice versa i would have loved to see Wonder Woman in the chaos Universe battling Lady Death. Wonder Woman does not even pretend to have a No Kill Policy, just ask Max Lord or Ares. Wonder Woman can summon the power of the Gods and take the fight to Lady Death at a higher level than Supergirl. Wonder woman could bring the same heroic and bravery to the fight as Supergirl. Diana uses swords just as lady death and can easily have the sword endowed with magic to combat lady death's blood thirsty magic sword. The Princess of Themyscira would have a easier time vanquishing Lady Death than Supergirl.

Putting Lady Death back in the Marvel Universe more specifically the X-men Universe we can can find a few heroines that could really ruin our Grim Reaper's day. I think Lady death would have hard time with Jean Grey (or even to a lesser extent Emma Frost). Jean Grey would just get in her mind and change her or send her away. Jean Grey could destroy her mind if she so chooses. Then there that whole Phoenix force thing that Lady Death would have to contend with. Even if Lady Death somehow kills Jean Grey; it would not mean much because Jean is essentially immortal. In fact killing Jean Grey would be the last thing Lady Death would want to do because this could open the door to her becoming the Dark Phoenix. I have given much thought of a fight between Jean Grey's teammate Storm verses Lady Death and honestly I do not know who would win this one. The battle would be epic essentially Death verses Mother Nature. This is nearly a philosophical question. It is nearly impossible to say who would win that one. We are going to chop this one up as a draw between these mega power characters. Leaving the X-men's school for the gift but still staying in Marvel Universe and hopping back over to the Avengers neck of the woods Lady Death finds her toughest foe yet. These two character have nothing in common and no connection what so ever. This character is the She-Hulk of course. There would be very little Lady Death could do to Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk. Hope's magic does not really matter to the Savage She-Hulk. Lady Death's sword would not hurt The She-Hulk. Most of Lady Deaths offense would only fuel She-Hulk's rage making her more powerful. She Hulk would quickly pound Lady Death into oblivion.

I have Lady ranked as 5th toughest female superhero. Lady Death is actually more of a anti-hero to be perfectly honest. I have two characters from DC comics defeating her. I have two characters for marvel victorious over her. Storm and Emma Frost are up in the air. Every other lady super hero would fall victim to the Lady Grim Reaper.

check out this Vampirella trading cards here:

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