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Writer's pictureDavid Goode

Season 4 Flash "Devoe is Flash's Most unique villain yet"

Season four of The Flash on the CW so far is one of the better seasons of the series. The season seems creatively different than the other past seasons. I really enjoy this villain "The Thinker" AKA Clifford DeVoe (Neil Sandilands) he is really making for a formidable Foe for the Flash. I don't mind at all the writers using evil speedsters as the Big Bads for seasons in fact I would love to see the Reverse Flash or Professor Zoom return back to the show. I'm dying to see the Wells version of Zoom or Reverse Flash again. The Thinker is a whole different ball game. He is a meta powered non-speedster. DeVoe is a Meta-human as intelligent as Barry Allen is fast. He's just simply out thinking and maneuvering team Flash at every step. The writers tying in Devoe's story-line and attaching it to the actual particle accelerator blowing up gives us a difference frame of reference to the event. The Thinker was affected by the dark matter just as Barry. Clifford Devoe possessed his powers just as long as the Flash has had his powers. DeVoe experienced the same amount of time to hone his Meta level genius as Barry in perfecting and harnessing his speed. It appears that Team Flash has been pawns in DeVoe's plan since the particle accelerator blew up.

Defeating a master thinker and strategist is very difficult to do. The mastery of planning and strategy is what makes Batman or Captain America so formidable. If you were going to battle either of these superheroes; they would have shit already set up for you before you even got to the fight with contingency plans already in place. This is the sort of Villain that Team Flash has to deal with in this season. For the Flash the rules of this game are different. It is almost 100% mental. Its not about the use of force physically as Devoe's powers are expensive and taxes his body greatly. his super meta brain takes all the nourishment and the rest of his body is breaking down leaving Clifford Devoe wheel chair bond. DeVoe has multiple forms. He has a seemingly human form with your standard wheel chair. The Thinker also has a more cybernetic looking form with a high tech flying chair. Devoe also has the ability to transfer his consciousness into another person. This transfer is not so much as an ability as it is a highly advance piece of tech built by his super genius level engineer wife.

Clifford's relationship with his wife Marlize DeVoe (Kim Engelbrecht) is similar to Barry and Iris's they are partners in the enterprise. His wife is as loving and supportive as Iris is to Barry. Marlize DeVoe has the engineering capabilities on the level of Wells and Cisco it may even exceed it. There seems to be just as big of a battle between Harrison Wells and Devoe as there is between The Flash and DeVoe. Harrison Well's battle is one of intellectual pride. It is apparent DeVoe is getting under Well's skin by flaunting that he is Superior in intellect. DeVoe rubbing in being the alpha scholar between the two just doesn't sit well with Harrison Wells. To make matters worse Cisco's vibe powers don't work on Devoe either. He can sense Ciscos presence when he vibes and can send some form of pulse wave feed back that knocks Cisco across the room. But its not as personal with Cisco as it is with Wells. I'm just wondering if Wells is going to personally use the cerebral inhibitor on The Thinker for a bit of Poetic Justice.

I read most of the Trial of The Flash written in the 90s it was a Wally West comic book story-line. It did not feature Devoe as the main villain rather Zoom. The writers of the show took a lot of elements from the Trial of Flash and put it into this season which I thought was a stroke of brilliance. It made for good TV just as the trial of flash made for good comic book reading. DeVoe faked his own murder and made it look as if Barry did it. They had Cecile represent Barry in trial she was also Wally's lawyer in the comics. She used the same legal tactic of advising Barry to disclose that he is indeed The Flash. Obviously Barry wasn't having any part of disclosing he was the Flash and opted to do hard time. During the TV shows trial there was a memorable stand off between Iris and Marlize out in the court house hallway. Ultimately Team Flash was able to prove Barry didn't murder Clifford DeVoe with the help of Elongated Man shape shifting. But the war between DeVoe and Flash is far from over.

check this Flash comic book here:

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