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The Multi-Platform Gaming Era

I have a friend who is a mom who knows next to nothing about gaming and wants to buy her son a gaming console for his birthday. She asked me the other day a very interesting question. She asked "which console is better the XboxOne or the PlayStation 4"? To her the question seemed pretty straightforward. However to someone who considers himself a hardcore gamer this is a very difficult question to answer and quite frankly i'm not sure there is a definitive answer. One gaming console being better than another used to be an easy question to answer especially in the 8 and 16 bit eras.

Back in the day if someone asked which was better the Atari 7800, Sega Master System or the Nintendo entertainment system (NES) all 8-bit consoles the answer is a little easier. One could use the eye test and see the superior graphical capabilities of the NES over the Atari 7800. Its a little bit of a closer race graphically comparing the NES to the Sega Master System but most people would say the NES has the slight edge. The 8-bit era was for the most part a pre multi platform gaming period. Each gaming company had their own 1st party games. Nintendo had Mario & Zelda and Sega had Sonic and so forth. Console companies were able to convince 3rd party game developers to only make particular games for their machines and cut out the competitors.

Its very easy to observe the difference between a 8-bit console and a 16-bit console. You can actually see the grain and pixel difference between 8bit and 16bit. Comparing a 8bit NES to a 16bit Sega Genesis it quickly becomes obvious which console is more powerful and graphically superior. The 16-bit Sega Genesis demolishes the 8bit NES. If you compare the graphics between a Nintendo 64 and a PlayStation-One or Sega Saturn; the N64 comes out on top. Software is a different story. Leading the software war was Sony with their playstation mainly due to a Final Fantasy VII exclusive from squaresoft ( now square enix). Although the Nintendo 64 had the better graphics 64 bits to Sony PlayStation's and the Sega Saturn's 32-bits.

Around the generation of the Playstation 2, Orginal Xbox, Gamecube and Dreamcast; the concept of "bits" went out of fashion in the gamer's lingo as the determinate factor of the graphical capacity of a gaming console. With this generation you could not use the eye test to point to which console had the better graphics. They seemed in appearance to have equal pixels. This is the point where Gamers started looking at CPUs and AMD processing as the end all measure of the capabilities of a console. As far as software was concerned third parties companies found it more lucrative to produce games for all platforms. For example Namco made Soul Calibur 2 games for all three console the PS2, the Original Xbox and GameCube. The Sega Dreamcast had left the market during this time. In this multi platform period namco made special features for each console PS2 had Heihachi from Tekken, the original Xbox had Spawn the superhero from image comics and the GameCube had Nintendo's iconic Zelda. A lot of gamers myself included bought all three versions for each console. Unless you are a bias fan-boy, you will find the eye test even more challenging if you try to determine if a PS3 is superior to a Xbox360. Graphically speaking they look identical. Your average gamer could not tell you the difference between Final Fantasy XIII for PS3 or Xbox360. Multi-platforming gave us Soul Calibur IV a Star Wars crossover game with Xbox360 having Yoda as a exclusive playable character and PS3 with Darth Vader as its exclusive character. Biggie Smalls said it best "Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis when i was dead broke i couldn't picture this". Like Notorious Big my philosophy on gaming consoles is to get both consoles. So yes i had both versions of soul calibur IV, of course.

Game consoles have evolved even further surpassing the CPU standard. Today gamers measure things in what's called "Teraflops" as the main determinate. The number of CPUs is still vital in figuring out how powerful your next gen machine is also. So which is better the PS4 or XboxOne? Both your standard XboxOne and standard PS4 have the same Jaguar CPU. The standard XboxOne has 1.75GHz with a 8-core AMD. The standard PS4 has 1.6GHz with a 8-core AMD. The XboxOne has the advantage over the PS4 in comparison of GHz (GigaHertz). In the realm of Teraflops PS4 leads with 1.84 teraflops of performance to XboxOne's 1.31 of teraflop performance. The same numbers apply to the XboxOne-S and the PS4 slim. Not only is this the Multi platform era but its the upgrade era. Let us compare the PS4pro to the XboxOne-X. The XbxoxOne-X has a jaguar CPU and 2.3GHz with a 8-core AMD with 6 teraflops of performance. The XboxOne-X is capable of 4K graphics. The Ps4pro has a Jaguar CPU with a 2.1GHz 8-core AMD with 4.2 teraflops of performance. The PS4 does not quite have 4K graphics. The Storage RAM capacity of next gen machines are mostly the same at 500GB with external hard drive capabilities, of course.

So my advice to my friend was to get both for her son a standard PS4 first since by a fraction it has a software edge and a standard XboxOne a few months later and call it a day. Microsoft has a slight edge in hardware with the XboxOne-X. I felt she should skip getting PS4pro and XboxOne-X to save money. A standard PS4 and standard XboxOne overall neither is better than the other and ultimately her son will be happier with multi platform options.

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